Our Services

Digital Consultancy Services, we offer a range of digital marketing services to help your business grow and succeed online. Here are our five main services:

Are You A Bob?

Do you ever find yourself in Bob's shoes, where you attend an event, collect a bunch of business cards, and then forget to follow up with the leads?

It's a common problem that many small business owners face. I recently spoke with Bob, a fellow business owner, who had attended a significant event that he was really excited about. We had spoken about how he could generate leads and how automation could help him, but despite my advice, Bob was still too busy to follow up properly.

Fast forward a few months, and I caught up with Bob to see how the event went. He was thrilled to have collected over 50 business cards and even managed to make a few sales. However, when I asked him how many of those leads he had followed up with, he looked down at his feet and admitted he hadn't contacted any of them yet.

Unfortunately, Bob's story is not unique, and I hear it all the time. We attend events, collect business cards, and then fail to follow up with the leads when the time is right.

So why do we do this? Why do we wait until it's too late to make contact? The truth is, we get caught up in the day-to-day running of our businesses, and following up with leads can easily fall by the wayside.

But imagine if you had a system that could automate lead generation and follow-up, giving you more time to focus on other aspects of your business.

That's where I come in as a business and marketing automation specialist.
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